How do I get Involved?

Thanks for asking.

It's really simple.
You make a Care Square and send it to me. I will then match it to another Care Square, sew it together with other Care Squares until a blanket is made, and give it to a needy Neo Natal ward in the UK.

a.The Care Square should be no bigger than 10cms by 10cms.
b. It must be made from baby-friendly baby acrylic. Sorry, but wool has lanolin in and some babies are allergic to lanolin. So it's acrylic only.
c. You can do any pattern and any colour you like: though white is a colour of mourning for many cultures, so please, no white.

Please send your Care Square to:

Julie O'Sullivan, Care Squares, "Prospect Cottage", 39 Grove Road, Acton, London, W3 6AW

Please provide your name and email address if you would like me to send you a Thank You!

Please see the Send a Message  section if you would like your Care Square to be part of my Care Squares message project: Sent With Love.