Wednesday 20 October 2010

Putting it all together

Here are some gorgeous pink Care Squares ready to be sewn together.
Each Care Square is hand stitched to its neighbour. Until, finally, a lovely blanket is made.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

How to knit a perfect square

By knitting a square this way, you get a lovely border. Just right for sewing together with other squares to make a gorgeous blanket. It's all about increasing and then decreasing and is pretty simple.

This particular square is made using 4.5 needles and Hot Pink Acrylic.

Step 1: Cast on 3 stitches
Step 2: Knit One row
Step 3: Increase by One Stitch on the Second Stitch
Step 4: Continue rows until you have 26 Stitches
Step 5: Knit one row of 26 Stitches without increasing.
Step 6. Decrease on the next and following rows by knitting together the Second and Third Stitches
Step 7: Continue like this until you have 3 stitches.
Step 8: Cast off.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Calling all crocheters

Not everyone has a passion for knitting. That’s where crocheting comes in.

Please feel free to make crocheted squares of 10cms square. Any patterns, any colours (but no solid white ones please as this is a mourning colour in many cultures).

The yarn must be machine washable baby acrylic. This is because many premature babies are allergic to lanolin. Acrylic is also a dream to wash, and these blankets get hot-washed in the hospital every day. There are lots of lovely baby acrylics out there too.

To find out where to send your gorgeous crocheted square or squares, click here
